Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems. It can happen to anyone and at any age. Some of us are born deaf while others suffer from hearing loss usually with age. Beating on the head, ear infections, prolonged exposure to loud noises, taking medication during pregnancy can cause hearing problems.
But how do we understand someone who suffers from hearing loss:
He complains that many people speak confusely and not clearly.
He has trouble perceiving some sounds.
He often asks his interlocutors to speak louder or to repeat what they have said.
It is difficult for him to understand his interlocutors when they speak in a noisy environment.
Turns on the TV loudly when others can hear it at a lower volume.
His interlocutors comment on his inability to hear clearly.
Depending on the location of the damage caused by the hearing loss, the following types of hearing loss can be distinguished:
Conductivity Hearing Loss: When the fault is located in the conduction (transmission) system of sound, from the environment to the auditory nerve, ie to the auditory canal, the eardrum and the space behind it.
Neurosensory hearing loss: When the lesion is located in the auditory nerve.
Based hearing loss: When the sound stimulus normally reaches the brain but the damage is located in its processing system, ie in the brain itself.
The effects of hearing loss on the patient's life are very serious: he avoids engaging in discussions in a noisy environment because he is unable to see what is happening. He also disturbs those around him by placing the TV or other loud audio sources, but also leaves his environment because he understands much less than it takes to take an active part.
One of the most common and most successful treatments for the condition is the application of hearing aids. Known and accepted for decades, headphones are constantly evolving with the rapid advancement of technology. The types and models differ depending on the condition but now the aesthetic result is guaranteed.
Hearing aids should be selected, installed, adjusted and generally applied by qualified hearing aids. The success of the performance of the headphones depends on the quality of the construction, the experience and the ability of the hearing professional who applies them but also the technical support after the application and the start of their use by the hearing aid.